1·InfoQ: Is there any FFI or native extension support?
2·Since Chrome released extension support, I've fully switched over and have been happy with Chrome for a few months now.
3·Chrome is deliciously fast compared to other browsers, but the very limited extension support and ecosystem are hard for Firefox-lovers to swallow.
4·I failed to come across anything that compensated for the lack of extension support. Firefox has too many extensions I'm simply not willing to give up.
5·If you're a GAE user, native extension support won't be useful since there's no native code on GAE - but for all other JRuby users: which native extensions do you miss?
6·Extension instructions can support the standard attributes or allow XSLT instructions as children, at the discretion of the vendor implementing the processor.
7·Another method is to write a plug-in or extension for your application that provides support for the desired file formats.
8·If you have systems in, or interact with customers from that part of the world, be sure to check the support site for information on the extension of Daylight Savings Time in New Zealand.
9·An extension of this approach is to have the provider support several different encoding policies while the consumer chooses the appropriate one.
10·The drawbacks of corn-based ethanol would make any extension or increase in support to the U.S. farm industry politically contentious, though.